Daily Prompt: Dilemma


via Daily Prompt: Dilemma

It’s back, this dilemma that I have. I made the decision I know. I left my old life. I left it all behind. I made the conscious decision to walk away, physically, mentally, emotionally, psychologically, yes. I know. And I was moving forward, sometimes against my own will, but I was doing it. Understanding, accepting and living with my decision. I was finally making headway with my inner peace on the subject and now all of a sudden like it’s calling me back, this old life of mine. Could I make it work? Do I want to? And how did this happen? Did I manifest it? Is it the Universe swooping in to rescue me from the life I am working hard to be good at but essentially don’t want to have? All these questions that I do not have the answers to. Per usual, because that’s what it’s like dealing with the forces. Don’t question, don’t ruminate, don’t worry, just trust. TRUST. That in and of itself is it’s own dilemma.



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